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One folder out of 41 is not indexed

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  • One folder out of 41 is not indexed

    [V6.0 1018, JavaScript mode]

    The folder is not in the stop list, but the log entries for all the .htm files is the same (Blocked by page skip list). We think this was working up to just recently, but we're not entirely sure.

    The same folder was listed in the Categories list, so I removed that entry; still no joy.

    I created another cfg file for just that folder, and ran that one; still no joy.

    I even deleted the entire #SKIPPAGES_START/#SKIPPAGES_END block in that new cfg file; still no joy

    Any ideas?

  • #2
    Nothing obvious comes to mind.

    Can you E-Mail us the log file showing the skip messages & your config file.

    You shouldn't directly edit the config file. It is safer to use the user interface. Less chance of messing up the file.


    • #3
      Too late for that...been doing it for three years, now.


      • #4
        I had a look at the files you sent. You didn't state the name of the folder in question, but assume it is the \main_imsgenerate\mergedProjects\strategies\ folder?

        You have a skip list entries like this,

        which results in pages like this being skipped.
        C:\main_imsgenerate\mergedProjects\strategies\whskin_tw.htm (Blocked by page skip list)
        C:\main_imsgenerate\mergedProjects\refwindows\whgd ata\whlstfl14.htm (Blocked by page skip list)

        So this is all normal.


        • #5
          I don't know if the .htm topic file I sent you will help, but in the meantime I have run Zoom 5.1 against a copy of the entire help system and achieved success.

          What are we to make of that?


          • #6
            I see from your E-mail that the folder name was cranywhere.

            HTM files in this folder as skipped as a result of the "wh*.htm" rule you included in the skip list.

            \cranywhere\creating_pgs.htm (Blocked by page skip list)

            Maybe this rule should have been,
            instead of

            The V5 behaviour was probably different because V5 didn't support wild-cards in the skip list I think.


            • #7
              Yes, that did it!

              Now I need to go set that delimiter for all the other pages in the stop list, just to be safe. Sigh...

              Thx, as usual, for your great product and even greater support,

