Zoom Search Engine FAQ - Entering license keys

Find your license key

After you have placed an order you will receive an e-mail that contains details about your order,  your user name and your license key. It should look something like this for V6 of Zoom:

License Key

Note that the keys may vary in length and be shorter or longer than the examples above.

Step 1 - Make sure you have the right software

Make sure that the product that you have downloaded and installed, matches the version of the product you have purchased. Note that the key should be entered in the Free Edition of the software to transform it to the registered edition you purchased. Download and install the latest version of the software, if required.

Step 2 - Copy your user name and key from the E-mail

Select the entire key, including the -----START_OF_KEY----- and -----END_OF_KEY----- flags:

License key

Copy your key to the clipboard. This can be done by using the Edit / Copy menu item in most E-Mail programs. Alternatively you can use the CTRL-C key combination on the keyboard.

Step 3 - Paste your user name and key into the software

Start up the software and select "Help"->"Enter license key" in the menus. Paste the key in the window provided by right clicking and selecting "Paste" or by using the CTRL-V key combination on the keyboard.

License key entered into OSF

Click on "Register". If the user name and key was accepted, the program will restart and identify itself as the registered edition of the software in the title bar of the window.

Remember to keep your key safe

The e-mail containing the license key should be kept in a safe place in case the software ever needs to be reinstalled. Your User Name and Key will also be required to be re-entered when software upgrades are released.

Still have a problem?

If you still have a problem, check the following.

  • No extra characters were included, be especially careful about not copying extra space characters or new line characters.
  • Your user name is exactly as it appears in the E-Mail, using a different user name will not work.
  • If you typed in your user name or key, rather than copying and pasting, check that you have not made a typing mistake and check that upper and lower case characters are correct.  Upper and lower case are important.
  • If you are using the older V5 or V4 of releases of Zoom. The license key is shorter and the user name and key need to be entered into separate fields.

Contact us

If the above doesn't fix your problem, mail us at Click to send mail (JavaScript required) and describe the problem you have encountered and include your order number and key.

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